Make-Up Snow Days: Monday, February 17th; Thursday, April 9th; Monday, April 27th
Mark your calendars!
No Vo-tech classes at NTS; those students report to WN at 10:40am
West Nodaway school is in session normal time. Stay inside cars or homes at bus stops. Allow for delayed times for bus stops. Dress warm be safe.
Spanish students in the whole school are sharing the love! They have written cute love/friendship notes in Spanish!
These Preschoolers took a “cool” walk to my office this morning to let me know they are 100 Days Brighter!
Elementary Spirit Week- Twin Day
MS/HS Parent-Teacher Conferences: Tuesday, February 25th from 4:00-7:00 PM in the Commons
We look forward to visiting with you!
Middle School Parents: The Middle School "Cabin Fever" event will take place next Friday, February 21st from 5:00-7:00 PM. There will be games and movies in the high school gym and commons area. The mandatory $5.00 cover charge will include pizza, snacks, and drinks. All middle school students are invited!
Middle School Parents: The MS "Cabin Fever" event will take place next Friday, February 21st from 5:00-7:00 PM. Games and movies in the high school gym and commons area. Mandatory $5.00 cover charge will include pizza, snacks, and drinks. All middle school students are invited!
High School Academic Bowl practice in Mr. Downing's room Wednesday 2/12 at 3:15!!!
Good luck to our varsity basketball teams as they compete at Osborn tonight at 6:00 PM. Go Rockets!
CORRECTIONS: The games tomorrow night will be held in Osborn. Senior Night will take place on Thursday, February 20th against Northeast Nodaway.
Reminder: The JV basketball game scheduled for tonight against Savannah has been cancelled. The Rockets' next game will be tomorrow evening in DeKalb.
Another successful penguin program. Thank you to everyone that attended. 🐧
Congrats to these boys on earning 3rd place in the NEN tournament. 💙🚀🏀
West Nodaway Board of Education meeting will take place Wed. Feb. 12 at 7:00pm in the Library Media Center. Agenda posted on website under the Documents Tab and Board of Education folder.
Reminder: No school on Monday, February 10th. Have a great three-day weekend, Rockets!
Students in grades 1st through 8th grade are invited to join the Rocket Youth Wrestling Program. Come learn the techniques and moves to make you a great wrestler. Click the link below for more information on practices and tournaments:
More pointillism
Booster Club is looking for concession workers for next weekend's tournament! Please click the link below and fill in your name if you'd like to help out. Thank you in advance for making this tournament a success!